landscape poster The Endless

The Endless


People used to think now-a-days that the materialistic actualization is the ultimate mission of their soul by overlooking the fact that birth of an individual writes the death verdict on that same day. These are the truth and understanding of these truths are the actual meaning of life.


The Endless is not a story, it is a realization. It’s about the realization of the most ultimate truth of a human life. The plot begins with a group of friends are, sitting in a room and talking about the meaning of life. Among them one is very much supporting the self-orientation of a person such as whatever each of the friends are doing in their own way to live their own life. Someone is engaged with his phone, someone with her/his laptop, books or guitar. The other friend is put the words against his fellow friend’s perspectives that people are so much selfish now-a-days. People forgets to live together, to laugh together, to stay together. The conversation goes on and comes with a point that one of their friend does not even bother about their conversation and still engages herself with her laptop. The girl with the laptop reveals her point of view that she could have make them
realize the actual meaning of life or the existence of an individual in this materialistic world through her story. An endless process of life.

She starts her story which she was typing since the beginning.

Poster: The Endless

Story in a story begins with a situation where the protagonist named “Shruti” was sitting with a man in a waiting area of a hospital. She is a very intellectual and a depth heart person who is used to handle the goods and bads of her family and is also having the ability to put her words to the world without fear. Gradually we came to know the man is her brother-in-law named Arpit and Arpit’s wife is in hospital for delivery in an urgent basis because of the complication occured during her pregnancy. Shruti was trying to come down the anxiety of Arpit as he is a very introvert and less spoken person, failed to express his traumatic feelings about his wife in front of the everyone. Shruti is married with a guy who is belongs to another cast .She is handling her intercast marriage with a glory to defend her decision to marry a north east boy in front of her parents. Kingsson (Shruti’s Husband) is also there with them in the Hospital. Shruti get to wait for Kingsson to sit in their place while she will take Arpit for some food,as he didn’t eat a bite for a long time. Kingsson is a very conscious person about Shruti’s family but never showing up in front of Shruti’s confidence about their marriage. Here the narrator stops with chapter 1 and starts chapter 2 for her fellow friends’ request.

Shurti and Arpit get to sit in a cafeteria for having tea. Arpit’s palpitations tensed Shruti a lot and Shruti tried to come him down again and again. Arpit left with his phone for a call. Meanwhile Shruti Notice a man carries a woman and keep her in a bench beside her bench. Here the story twisted with new entries. Shruti get to know the woman tried to stop the man for not to go but the man leaves. Shruti was observing the scene. The woman as so weak and sick that she was about to fall and Shurti get her in a hurry and helped her to sit again properly. The woman was having a wrinkled dull face with a young and soft hand which was giving the proof that the woman is young with a very aged face, might be the effects of some diseases. Shruti wants to know who the man is. After a very some time when Shruti get attached with the woman and her happenings, the man appeared and declared that the woman is no one but his wife. Here the woman’s name is Khusboo and her husband is Tejas. They left. But Khusboo’s face remains of Shruti’s mind after that Shruti is having a conversation with her mother about her sister’s condition where she got an offence about her husband from her mother again and cut the phone with a disappointment. Meanwhile Kingsson cames to her and take Arpit and Shruti because the doctor was calling all of them. Story continues with chapter 3. Tejas about to the head to home with Khushboo but Khushboo fallen sick again that’s why Tejas took her back to the hospital. Tejas used to have a fear about losing his beloved wife Khushboo because of her uncurable physical condition. Meanwhile Tejas overheard a conversation between a doctor and a group of three people about requirement of blood. Those three people were none other than Arpit, Kingsson and Shruti. Apparently Tejas helped them by giving his blood to Shruti’s sister as he was having the same blood group. Here the last chapter comes finally where after giving a little hope to his soul by helping someone else, Tejas was ensuring a little peace for his own Shruti was noticing Tejas with a greatfulness from her end. When Tejas got to know that Khusboo had left the world and parallel sound came from the other side where new born baby cried his first cry after seeing the light of the world. Shruti, the protagonist stood in a transit situation in her life
where she is the witness of a start and an end.

The narration ends with Shruti’s point of view towards the most ultimate truth of life and The narrator and friends put an open question to us that do we understand our life which is between these two constant parameters one is birth other one is death.

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